The Parliament is the body concerned with legislating laws and monitoring and following up their implementation by executive institutions, and in order to activate joint cooperation...
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The Parliament is the body concerned with legislating laws and monitoring and following up their implementation by executive institutions, and in order to activate joint cooperation...
Read MoreIn order to preserve the previous gains regarding the employment of local manpower with foreign investment companies, a fruitful meeting was held with the esteemed MP Mr. Zuhair Shahid...
Read MoreSpecialized international reports classified Iraq first in the Arab world and third in the world with a high unemployment rate, which was announced by the Iraqi Ministry of Planning, which stated...
Read MoreReports talk about Iraq's decline in one place in the classification of countering human trafficking, and these reports attributed the reason for this to Iraq's lack of basic standards to...
Read MorePoverty, unemployment and difficult living conditions in Iraq have made the number of children involved in the labor sector more than (900) thousand children, according to approved...
Read MoreDespite the recording of human rights violations against the State of Qatar, including the denial of the rights of workers who were hired as security guards for the FIFA World Cup organized...
Read MoreNationality, religion, race, and belonging to a certain social group or special political opinions, are the reasons for the exposure of individuals and groups to persecution, so they are...
Read MoreMany government regulations and instructions stipulate the obligation of foreign investment companies operating in Iraq to employ local workforce by at least 50%. But without any commitment from...
Read MoreMay 28 of each year marks World Menstrual Hygiene Day, a day dedicated to providing worldwide support to women and girls who still suffer from the stigma and hardships associated with the...
Read MoreNon-Self-Governing Territories are defined as territories whose peoples have not gained self-government but have received international solidarity through a week celebrated annually for the...
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