The report on the challenges faced by displacement-affected populations who lack official documents, and how these challenges have developed in the recent past, is issued by a coalition of several organizations.

Findings suggest that while the number of displacement-affected Iraqis missing documentation has reduced as a result of concerted interventions by a range of actors, broader systematic and policy-level barriers remain.

Particular challenges in securing documentation continue for populations with perceived affiliation, women and female-headed households, and IDPs unable to access institutions with jurisdiction over their case.

The report calls for engagement and collective advocacy at multiple levels to address these barriers, with targeted recommendations to the Government of Iraq, the UN, the leadership of the aid response systems and mechanisms, donors and diplomats, and programmatic response actors.

Overall, it argues that securing documentation for displacement-affected populations – particularly those with the specific vulnerabilities outlined above – will be critical to ensuring Iraq’s recovery is inclusive, especially in the context of transition where access to public services is increasingly critical to meeting needs.

Apologies that an Arabic version is not yet available. We hope to be able to share that with you soon.

For any questions or comments related to the report, please reach out to Elysia, Advocacy Advisor at DRC, at

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